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Pick your own blueberry guidelines

Welcome! We are trying to make picking blueberries fun and safe. To make sure everyone has a great time, please read and adhere to the following:

You are picking at your own risk, please be careful and considerate of others.

Children MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

All guests must stay in the public areas; the barn, the blueberry field, and the designated path between them.

Please do not litter.

Please do not smoke.

U-Pick is allowed only during business hours Please do not come early. There is no picking until opening time!  

Sunscreen and a hat are recommended.

Please do not bring your dogs or other pets.  We love our animals, but there are other people picking who may not welcome them and everyone’s safety and comfort are our main concerns.

No $100 or $50 bills please.

Please make sure we weigh your container before going out to the field otherwise you may be charged for the weight of the container.

Use common sense.  If you are unable to comfortably and safely walk to and from the blueberry field, which is on a hill, you may purchase pre-picked berries instead.

Keeping the U-Pick business alive depends upon your help and cooperation.

Thank you